Exploring a shipping puzzle, part 2
← Back to Kevin's homepagePublished: 2018 November 9Last updated: 2018 November 12Puzzling with friends
After posting the shipping puzzle I heard from several friends:
Veit Heller implemented a solution in Carp, a statically-typed lisp.
Michał Marczyk implemented a type-hinted, Java-array-bashing Clojure solution, which runs in 15 ± 1 ms on my laptop.
He also sketched out two proofs that my approach was, in fact, optimal. His insight (in brief) was that there’s nothing path-dependent about the routes. The planes have no history: They’re not carrying different amounts of cargo depending on where they were previously, etc. — all that matters is that they’re at some location on some day. This means that any upcoming leg can be attached to any existing route (available plane) — do this as many times as is possible, and then you’ll have an optimal solution.
Adam Solove suggested that I look into MiniZinc, a constraint modeling language, and it is awesome. In particular, there’s a wonderful, free, and fun MiniZinc Coursera video course that teaches constraint modeling in the context of a Chinese fable. (Update: See shipping puzzle part 3)
Steve Miner implemented a Clojure solution that “tries to keep legs and paths sorted to make connections easier”; it runs in 20 ± 1 ms.
He also pointed out that my first Clojure solution should use peek rather than last, which improves performance substantially (3.7 ± 0.02 s compared to 5.00 ± 0.04 s).
Rust solution(s)
My Rust solution was a simple port of my second Clojure solution. The only major difference is that it takes advantage of mutability (which is idiomatic in Rust, unlike in Clojure).
The Rust solution runs in about 4.22 ± 0.05 ms, or about 5x faster than the fast Clojure solution.
Honestly, I was surprised that it wasn’t even faster — I expected that between mutability and all of the extra compile-time size information, Rust would have been even further ahead. This is a testament to Clojure’s awesome data structures and the JVM’s just-in-time compiler.
After some thought on these performance differences, I realized that Clojure’s immutable semantics gave it an advantage: It could pervasively share data rather than copying.
Once I realized this, I modified my Rust solution to use references (rather than owned values), to reduce copying. This yielded another 2x speedup: 1.87 ± 0.01 ms.
Here’s that latter solution (which is essentially the same as my initial one; except with &Leg
instead of Leg
and the necessary <'a>
lifetime annotations everywhere):
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufReader;
//Little helper for printing things out
pub fn p<T>(x: T)
T: std::fmt::Debug,
println!("{:?}", x);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
enum Day {
//Save ourselves some typing
use Day::*;
type City = String;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Leg {
start: City,
end: City,
dow: Day,
pub struct Route<'a> {
legs: Vec<&'a Leg>,
impl<'a> Route<'a> {
fn new(l: &Leg) -> Route {
Route { legs: vec![l] }
fn add_leg(&mut self, l: &'a Leg) {
pub fn read_legs<P: AsRef<std::path::Path>>(path: P) -> Vec<Leg> {
let f = BufReader::new(File::open(path).unwrap());
.map(|l| l.unwrap())
.map(|l| {
let vals: Vec<&str> = l.split(" ").collect();
Leg {
start: vals[1].to_string(),
end: vals[2].to_string(),
dow: match vals[3] {
"M" => Day::M,
"T" => Day::T,
"W" => Day::W,
"R" => Day::R,
"F" => Day::F,
_ => panic!("Invalid day found: {}", vals[3]),
pub fn assemble_routes(legs: &[Leg]) -> Vec<Route> {
let mut legs_by_dow: HashMap<Day, Vec<&Leg>> = HashMap::new();
for l in legs {
legs_by_dow.entry(l.dow).or_insert_with(|| vec![]).push(&l);
let mut finished_routes: Vec<Route> = vec![];
let mut routes_by_position: HashMap<&City, Vec<Route>> = HashMap::new();
for dow in vec![M, T, W, R, F] {
let mut extended_routes_by_position: HashMap<&City, Vec<Route>> = HashMap::new();
for l in legs_by_dow.remove(&dow).unwrap() {
//Either add this leg to an existing route, or create a new one
let r =
if let Some(mut r) = routes_by_position.get_mut(&l.start).and_then(|rs| rs.pop()) {
} else {
.or_insert_with(|| vec![])
//done adding today's legs
//move any unextended routes into the finished vector
for (_, mut rs) in routes_by_position {
finished_routes.append(&mut rs);
//then carry over whatever was extended to tomorrow
routes_by_position = extended_routes_by_position;
for (_, mut rs) in routes_by_position {
finished_routes.append(&mut rs);
The types make explicit many features of the domain. For example, it’s clear in Rust that a
consists of a vector ofLeg
, whereas in Clojure the only way to tell is by seeing the initial value[l]
in the line:(update extended-routes-by-position (:end l) conj [l])
Clojure’s destructuring allows for much terser code than Rust’s match (though I am a Rust beginner, and would love to hear suggestions about how to improve my Rust solution!)
My second Clojure solution took me an hour to write, but porting the same algorithm to Rust took me about 3 hours. I’m not sure how much of this is due to my unfamiliarity with Rust (needing to lookup how to read a file from disk, split on newlines, etc.) and how much is due to Rust forcing me to think through details that are outside of Clojure’s universe of discourse.