Kevin Lynagh

I’m a designer specializing in user interfaces for complex systems.

Keming Labs is my consulting firm, with clients in renewable energy, weather forecasting, futures trading, and synthetic biology.

See my email newsletter for the latest projects, etc. (There’s also an RSS feed.)

Recent issues:

What Kevin is doing now

I’m in Amsterdam, exploring:

Last updated: 2024 July 15.

See also 20+ other talks on data visualization and programming.

Computering projects

Woodworking / Architecture projects

Miscellaneous notes

Please get in touch!

I love to hear from people, especially if I can help with their projects or careers! Please email me if you:

If you think it’s weird to email people you don’t know — it’s not! Some of the best relationships I have, business and personal, started when one of us reached out to the other for help on a project, thoughts on a problem, or just coffee! So, if you’re considering emailing, please do it!

For best results, see Patrick McKenzie’s tips for emailing busy people.