Generating Simpson's Paradox with Z3.

← Back to Kevin's homepagePublished: 2024 August 11Last updated: 2024 August 12

I’ve been reading Pearl’s Causal Inference in Statistics, and one of the exercises poses this problem:

Baseball batter A has a better batting average than his teammate B. However, someone notices that B has a better batting average than A against both right-handed and left-handed pitchers. How can this happen?

The Z3 Theorem Prover is a great lil’ tool for solving these sorts of problems. The following generates an example of this situation, which is more commonly known as Simpson’s Paradox. (See also this great explanation from Robert Heaton, which I found via the HN comments about the page you’re currently reading.)

;; Player A's hits and misses against left-handed pitchers
(declare-const A_L_hits Int)
(declare-const A_L_misses Int)

;; and right-handed ones.
(declare-const A_R_hits Int)
(declare-const A_R_misses Int)

;; ditto for player B
(declare-const B_L_hits Int)
(declare-const B_L_misses Int)
(declare-const B_R_hits Int)
(declare-const B_R_misses Int)

;; All hits and miss counts must be positive
(assert (< 0 A_L_hits))
(assert (< 0 A_L_misses))
(assert (< 0 A_R_hits))
(assert (< 0 A_R_misses))
(assert (< 0 B_L_hits))
(assert (< 0 B_L_misses))
(assert (< 0 B_R_hits))
(assert (< 0 B_R_misses))

;; overall batting averages
(define-const A Real
  (/ (+ A_L_hits A_R_hits)
     (+ A_L_hits A_R_hits A_L_misses A_R_misses)))
(define-const B Real
  (/ (+ B_L_hits B_R_hits)
     (+ B_L_hits B_R_hits B_L_misses B_R_misses)))

;; batting averages against left and right-handed pitches
(define-const A_L Real
  (/ A_L_hits (+ A_L_hits A_L_misses)))
(define-const A_R Real
  (/ A_R_hits (+ A_R_hits A_R_misses)))
(define-const B_L Real
  (/ B_L_hits (+ B_L_hits B_L_misses)))
(define-const B_R Real
  (/ B_R_hits (+ B_R_hits B_R_misses)))

;; A has a higher overall batting average
(assert (< B A))

;; B has a better average against left-handed pitchers
(assert (< A_L B_L))

;; B has a better average against right-handed pitchers
(assert (< A_R B_R))

(set-option :pp.decimal true)
(get-value (A A_L A_R A_L_hits A_L_misses A_R_hits A_R_misses))
(get-value (B B_L B_R B_L_hits B_L_misses B_R_hits B_R_misses))

Running Z3 against this file generates this output, showing an example satisfying our constraints:

((A 0.2352941176?)
 (A_L 0.4)
 (A_R 0.1666666666?)
 (A_L_hits 2)
 (A_L_misses 3)
 (A_R_hits 2)
 (A_R_misses 10))

((B 0.2307692307?)
 (B_L 0.5)
 (B_R 0.1818181818?)
 (B_L_hits 1)
 (B_L_misses 1)
 (B_R_hits 2)
 (B_R_misses 9))

The batting averages in tabular form:

Player Left Right Overall
A 0.4 0.167 0.235
B 0.5 0.182 0.230

The key to understanding the paradox is that the players did not bat against the same set of pitchers. Player A batted against 5 lefties and 12 righties; B against 2 and 11.