Hi friends!
I tried doing an INNER JOIN in Google Sheets and it was so awkward I was compelled to build my own lightweight relational spreadsheet / language.
Buying Experiences Probably Doesn’t Make You Happier than Buying Possessions
“There are things you need to know about how intelligence affects you and others when you are smarter than most of the people around you, and because of the unspoken privilege nature of intelligence probably nobody has ever really sat you down and helped you understand those things.”
An overview of commerical geometry kernels from author of a very nice looking direct modeling tool
“There needs to be an elite conspiracy to elevate humanity far above where it would otherwise be willing to go.”
My exploration into PCB stepper motors inspired an actual electrical engineer to make a much cooler demonstration.
1500 Archers on a 28.8: Network Programming in Age of Empires and Beyond
Will Wright on Designing User Interfaces to Simulation Games
“In my experience, once you start thinking about giant cargo airships, it’s hard to stop.”